September 30, 2013 1:57 pm -

The founder of Judicial Watch believes the president must be forced from office if we are to save the republic. And his trying to amass a demonstration in DC November 16 to get Obama to agree to peacefully leave the White House for good.

Obama and his minions are destroying the country and exposing us to unacceptable future annihilation at the hands of his Muslim brothers. To keep us down while he works his evil plan, he’s using our own NSA in full spying mode against us!

The time has come to mass in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 19, and to engage in peaceful civil disobedience, Ghandi and Martin Luther King style, to finally force Obama to resign the presidency and leave office immediately – or else face the music for his recent conviction for election fraud and other crimes. This week, with the failure of Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts to block funding for Obamacare in the Senate, and the expected cave-in by Speaker John Boehner, it is clear that we have no representative form of government. As in 1776, the people must now take action to rid the nation of this new, far more evil tyrant, who makes King George III look like a Boy Scout.

Wait, what? Obama was convicted for election fraud? Did I sleep through a news cycle?
