Pascrell Reads GOP The Riot Act During Hearing
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NY) had had enough. He had already excoriated Republicans for refusing to expand health care programs when Arkansas congressman (and former Karl Rove toady) Tim Griffin tried to inteject with an outrageous claim – so Pascrell interrupted him mid-fib with an epic, righteous rant:
GRIFFIN: You asked a question and I’m going to answer it. It’s a false choice to say it’s Obamacare or nothing. There are numerous proposals including one that I’m a co-sponsor of…
PASCRELL: Are you serious what you just said? Are you really serious? After what we’ve gone through and what we’ve gone through in the last three and a half years? Have you — you can sit there and say, that you had a legitimate alternative after these years? We’ve gone through 44 votes, 48 votes now, of you trying to dismantle the legislation. You call that cooperation? I don’t!