October 31, 2013 11:04 am -

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media went on Rick Wiles’s radio show to explain why he called New York mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio a tool of “international communism, terrorism, and global Islam.”

“We’ve got the Communists coming together, personified by de Blasio’s past, present and future, and you have the Muslims in alliance with him,” Kincaid said, arguing that de Blasio is “setting the city up, and the nation, for another 9/11.”

Wiles couldn’t believe that anyone could be more of a Communist than Obama, and claimed that the Democratic Party is now run by Communists.

But while de Blasio may be even more radical, Wiles said that Obama is still the “perfect political hybrid, a Marxist Muslim” who is currently “orchestrating this alliance to dismantle the United States of America.”
