‘Subway Vigilante’ BernieGoetz Busted In Pot Sale

Bernie Goetz (left, background) is led into a police van after his arrest Friday, and in 2001 at the Westside Pistol Range (right).
The man who was labeled the ‘subway vigilante’ when he shot four youths after feeling threatened on a New York subway was arrested on marijuana charges.
[He] was busted Friday evening for peddling $30 worth of pot to an undercover female cop, The Post has learned…
Goetz, 65, met the undercover on the street, chatted her up and walked with her back to his apartment, where he went upstairs to get the weed.
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Bernie Goetz is escorted by police in 1985.
When he came downstairs to allegedly give her the pot, he was arrested, the source said…
Goetz was expected to be charged with criminal sale of marijuana, a misdemeanor and several other charges, a police source said.