Texas Mayor Declares It The ‘Year Of The Bible’
Having a mayor tell us that 2014 is the “year of the Bible” can only ,make more people flock to religion and become better souls. Thank God we have a government, in the person of the Flower Mound, Texas mayor, telling us what holy book we should read. I’m looking forward to when a Muslim mayor says it’s the “year of the Koran.”
“I was nervous about doing this, Mayor Tom Hayden said, “And I’ve been thinking about it for two years, and procrastinated about it for as long as I possibly could.” No explanation was offered as to why a government official should declare on behalf of an entire town, during a public meeting, that 2014 would be based in any religion–but he says he was inspired during a talk given by a former football player. Hayden’s declaration is not a new thing. Much of it “trickled down” from an almost identical proclamation conservative hero Ronald Regan made in 1983. Hayden, during the council meeting, quoted scriptures and claimed that America’s founding documents are Bible-based. He even set up a website for his effort to establish an official religion for an entire town. According to Jon Bell of Cavalry Chapel, the web site is set up so that residents will go through the entire Bible in a year.