Wisconsin Gov. Didn’t Know Man He Praised And Applauded Was Sex Offender
Scott Walker was upset to discover that a man he praised and held up as as good example was a registered sex offender with two felonies to his name.
Christopher Barber, a 32-year-old welder, was one of 13 newly hired workers Walker brought out to stand behind him during the opening minutes of his Wednesday speech as examples of how an improved economy is leading to more people finding work.
Barber wore his welding helmet and work gloves on stage. He waved to the audience in the Assembly chamber as he left the podium and Walker turned around and applauded.
“Every time we help someone find a job, it makes for a strong home, a stronger community, and a stronger state,” Walker said during his speech as Barber and the others stood behind him.
Walker didn’t know that Barber, of Two Rivers, is a registered sex offender with two felonies and three drunken driving offenses. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported on his criminal record Thursday.