Lindsey Graham Tells Us Where The Next ‘Inevitable’ 911 Is Coming From
Senator Lindsey Graham, a man not exactly known for an even grounding in reality, told Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer on Sunday that the next 9/11 will come from Iraq and that it’s “inevitable.” Graham said that the recent developments in…
granpa.usthai June 16th, 2014 at 12:18 am
Ah HA! -so we will be bombing Kiev and invading Ukraine after all! (approx. same distance as Baghdad to Kabul). So- should we expect anti- Putin radical Christian terrorist to be hitting our smallest buildings in speed boats on…11/09?
Of course the US will be hit by terrorist. -Every damn chance they get, so the purpose of making US eternal enemies of the opposition to despot (now appointed sole Dictator with all powers by his nephews) Maliki is…?
fahvel June 16th, 2014 at 4:04 am
not fun to think of but after what the usa did to Iraq for no reason at all, maybe they are a bit pissed off at the usa – not their big shit politicians but the people.
fancypants June 16th, 2014 at 5:59 am
LG keeps hinting at make the entire middle east our 51st state. Can we pull it off ?