October 2, 2014 7:10 am -


According to Democratic Underground a Texas State Senator made the awful comparison that Christians in America are treated the same as Jews in Nazi Germany. Charles Perry is a newly elected State Senator from Lubbock, Texas. He made this remarkably ignorant statement shortly after being sworn-in. “There were 10,000 people that were paraded into a medical…


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

57 responses to State Senator: ‘Being Christians In U.S. Is Like Being Jewish In Nazi Germany’

  1. Larry Schmitt October 2nd, 2014 at 7:17 am

    Please point out the equivalent to Kristallnacht for christians in America.

    • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 11:54 am

      when you have a non churchgoer intimate couple drinking brandy and tossing the glass over their shoulder to be BROKEN in the fireplace?

  2. LC October 2nd, 2014 at 7:22 am

    Perry’s accusation that the majority is being oppressed by a minority is EXACTLY the rhetoric that LED to the Germans’ persecuting and then exterminating the Jews among them.

    The same with the genocide in Rwanda.

    • Cosmic_Surfer October 2nd, 2014 at 10:15 am

      And it is the same rhetoric used in the Knesset to justify the slaughter of Palestinians

      • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 11:55 am

        also true

    • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 11:55 am


    • burqa October 3rd, 2014 at 12:01 am

      With the diversity and often strong disagreement between the thousands of sects in America, there is no such “majority” that some imagine. One may use the same logic to substitute “brown-haired people” for “Christians.”
      Take a visit sometime, LC, to a national cemetery and you’ll see acres of crosses stretching to the horizon marking the graves of those who fought to defeat the Germans and end the extermination of Jews.
      People do not stop hating a particular group when it’s numbers reach a certain number.
      The fact is, there are bigots who hate minorities such as gays or African Americans and there are those who hate larger groups.
      Do you believe there is no such thing as misogyny in America because there are too many women?

      It seems to me that consistency is called for, and is resisted here and elsewhere. The political Left, with justification, criticizes the Right for the bigots they allow on the Right, but the Left is often unwilling to deal with bigots on the Left.
      This is a major reason bigotry flourishes as it does.
      If the Left and the Right were to both be consistent and make their repugnance of ALL bigotry known and were to expel the haters from their ranks, the country would be far far better off.
      But they don’t.

  3. OldLefty October 2nd, 2014 at 7:25 am

    It would appear that the new crazies are even worse than the old crazies.

    Paul Broun of Georgia is to be replaced by Mr. Hice, who once said of women in politics, “If the woman’s within the authority of her husband, I don’t see a problem. ” and believes that the fate of the nation is tied to the appearance of blood moons.

    • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 11:52 am

      If a woman is in politics in a government elected by the people, and her husband votes, is she not under his authority? As long as a woman is ruling within the parameters of the US Constitution (or as Republicans fondly refer as The Patriot Act) is she not under the authority of the people?

      • Dwendt44 October 2nd, 2014 at 11:53 am

        I think he means ‘under the thumb’.

  4. Obewon October 2nd, 2014 at 7:59 am

    Even in the lone GOP firewall of Texas, many laugh at these Limbaughtomized lemmings. That’s what today’s functionally illiterate mean by persecution.

    • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 12:00 pm

      wasn’t too long ago when gays felt like they were being laughed about (most probably because they were) but I don’t think too many of them felt like a Jew in Nazi Germany – except maybe for the ones who were attacked – strung out on a barbed wire fence and beaten to death – had their dwelling places and property trashed…had someone from Westboro Baptist visit …

  5. Skydog2 October 2nd, 2014 at 8:06 am

    There’s an anti-religion trend in this country but comparing it to Nazi Germany is just silly.

    • Obewon October 2nd, 2014 at 8:12 am

      It’s the end times for religious hypocrite “family values” child molesters and wife beating misogynist bigots preaching 6,000 year old Earth & universe scientific illiteracy that’s easily debunked by any school kid.

      • Skydog2 October 2nd, 2014 at 8:46 am

        We are told to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics but it’s ok to judge Christians by a few bad apples. Is that how it’s suppose to work?

        • OldLefty October 2nd, 2014 at 9:06 am

          We are told to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics but it’s ok to judge


          I think we see the converse;

          We are told to not judge all CHRISTIANS by the actions of a few lunatics but it’s ok to judge MUSLIMS by a few bad apples. ( AND ignor that fact that WE nurtured them over the past decades.)

          • Skydog2 October 2nd, 2014 at 9:32 am

            How about not judging any group by the actions of a few.

          • Anomaly 100 October 2nd, 2014 at 10:15 am

            That would be nice. It’ll never happen though, unfortunately.

          • OldLefty October 2nd, 2014 at 11:28 am

            That is ideal, but that was not the original post.

          • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 11:43 pm

            OldLefty: “We are told to not judge all CHRISTIANS by the actions of a few lunatics”

            Not seeing that, sorry.
            Please look for my question at the end, below.
            In my community, I see with my own eyes, large numbers of Christians quietly, anonymously, chipping in to gather, store and distribute food to the hungry at food banks and food pantries. I see these people in the interfaith counsel getting together to help the needy. I see them manning the homeless shelter that only exists because of the efforts of people of faith. I see large numbers of Christians gather and distribute toys to children on Christmas. I see them gather and distribute school supplies to the needy, as well as shoes and clothing. I see these Christian pitching in to help with heating oil. I google churches I know little or nothing about in my area and on the front page of a church’s website is usually a list of charities they help.
            They have been involved in these efforts for so long that they have an incredible organization of people with trucks they can call on, they have storage space and others to load and unload trucks and take things door-to-door.

            This is what I witness in my community and have witnessed in others. This is what I see the vast majority of Christians doing.
            Here’s the question, OldLefty:
            Aside from me, who here in Liberaland accurately describes what the overwhelming majority of Christians do in their community?

        • Anomaly 100 October 2nd, 2014 at 9:23 am

          I am a Christian. I wear a cross around my neck 24/7. I have never felt persecuted. OTOH, I don’t try to convince others to believe as I do, nor do I want my religion stapled to legislation or on the walls of government buildings.

          • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 11:10 pm

            Just take a look around. Right here in this forum you’ll see language that lumps you in with and gives you responsibility for all sorts of things you are not responsible for. Pay attention over time and you’ll see some people are obsessive about it and never seem to miss a chance to use all sorts of false stereotypes about you, what you believe and what you do.
            They are bigots, Anomaly.
            Their bigotry is just as wrong and just as ugly as the hatred directed against other groups. They may not be able to enact legislation or practice their hatred the way it has been against other groups because of the numbers of Christians.
            But make no mistake, Anomaly, if Christians were in as small a minority as gays, immigrants or racial or other groups, those same bigots would persecute Christians just as severely.
            That is what irrational hatred does, especially when people remain silent.

            When you see the hatred for what it is, you’ll see what I mean. I hope when you begin to see it, you’ll speak out and defend not just yourself, but millions of mighty fine people who are doing millions of wonderful things to help those in need in this country. Neither you, nor them, deserve to be hated because of your faith.

          • Dwendt44 October 3rd, 2014 at 1:06 am

            It’s not hatred to point out factual flaws in christian arguments. It’s not hatred to say that other folks help the poor, the hungry and the homeless that do so for empathy or humanitarian reasons and not religious reasons. It’s not hatred to point out that the well meaning and terrific work that you are involved with or know of is not that common. As I’ve replied to previous post of yours pointing out these great deeds, I know of churches that only cater to their own members or refer their members to the city food pantries and country welfare dept..

          • Anomaly 100 October 3rd, 2014 at 6:50 am

            Most of the ridicule is directed at bigoted right wing Christians who feel persecuted after persecuting others. My God is different from GOP Jesus. I don’t even recognize the right wing God. He’s cruel. Mine loves me and others for who they are.

      • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 11:20 pm

        Unfortunately, it is not the end times for irrational hatred.
        That lives on, in part because many in forums like this are willing to give it a free pass.
        C’mon, MastermindObewon, you know human nature is not confined by ideology – that people across the political spectrum are subject to the same temptations. People across the political spectrum have the same weaknesses and susceptibilities.
        So how is it you only see the bigotry that exists on the Right but fail to see it on the Left?

        Either you don’t think it exists on the Left, or,
        You think it exists but can’t see it, or,
        You see it but are not willing to speak against something you know is wrong. You’ll speak out against Rightist bigotry but refuse to speak out against bigotry from a Leftist.
        Here is room for growth.

    • Larry Schmitt October 2nd, 2014 at 8:16 am

      “Anti-religion” does not mean persecution. If it even exists.

    • metalbreath October 2nd, 2014 at 8:42 am

      There is an anti- don’t use your personal interpretation of a 2000 yr old myth to pass regressive and oppressive laws trend in this country. Keep your delusions away from public policy and everything will be fine.

      • Skydog2 October 2nd, 2014 at 8:48 am

        “Keep your delusions away from public policy and everything will be fine”

        People say the same about sexual preferences.

        • Rusty Shackleford October 2nd, 2014 at 10:30 am

          How appropriate, because we’ve consistently asked that sexual orientation be granted the same non-discrimination protections we already grant to religion.

          • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 12:15 pm

            so, you believe gay Americans should have tax subsidized buildings, vehicles, jetliners, vacation retreats, land and all manner of materials cost and utility special rates, etc. also?


            hows about special parking privileges on thru ways from 7am to 10 pm on Sundays?


            a ‘special’ time at public events to express your personal beliefs/desires equal to those who do so with their religion?

            why not?

          • burqa October 3rd, 2014 at 12:30 am

            Mr. Shackleford, you’re on to something with the notion of consistency.
            I am a Christian and have been making strong arguments for gay equality for many years. I have long opposed bigotry of all sorts and am consistent enough to where I not only criticize the bigotry found on the Right side of the political spectrum, but the Left as well.
            One sees very little of that kind of consistency around here.
            Most who are on the Left, politically, seem to be under the illusion that there is no bigotry on the Left, even as they obsessively hurl invective at whatever group they hate.

            We should be consistent in the rights recognized under the law.
            We should likewise be consistent in opposing discrimination and bigotry, rather than only speaking up when we see it expressed by those we typically disagree with politically. Unfortunately, many around here resist being consistent when it comes to hatred. It is a quirk that sort of characterizes the group of users here. Other than a very few exceptions, the group seems happy to let hatred of some groups flourish here.

        • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 10:58 pm

          Ahhhh, Skydog2, you don’t realize that some do not treat others as they would like to be treated. There’s something about that in the Bible, which perhaps explains why they insist on dealing out what they don’t want directed at themselves in return.
          To them, fairness consists of the targets of their bigotry having their First Amendment rights taken away from them – rights the bigots retain, of course. They feel the ones they hate must remain silent while bigots heap abuse upon them “… and everything will be fine.”

          I counsel patience.
          It takes time for some people to realize that bigotry is wrong regardless of the target. Just keep pointing it out and eventually it will dawn on them how inconsistent they have been.
          There’s that other thing in the Bible about turning the other cheek. You can’t expect it from the bigots, and it can be hard to practice, but it seems to me the thing to do is not be as nasty as they because then it becomes easier for them to see the correctness of opposing all bigotry, rather than some of it. This way, they’ll eventually figure out that they are doing the same thing they find repugnant and will find it easier to change.
          If one uses the sort of insults and name-calling they do, they’ll just get defensive and will not consider arguments that shine a light on their own bigotry.

    • William October 2nd, 2014 at 9:15 am

      There’s an anti-religion trend in this country.
      Which is why religions are taxed at such a high rate….oh …wait.

      • granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 12:08 pm

        when you’re so use to hearing yes, yes, yes
        be it from respect, fear or just trying to be nice
        for many many generations
        I suppose some saying no
        does come as quite a shock.

      • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 10:40 pm

        I can’t think of anything I have asked for that caused people to hate me and those I care for just because of our faith, which we practice privately.
        But sure enough, there are plenty out there who lump me in with people I disagree strongly with.

        For a long time I just ignored it in forums like this. I didn’t want to seem as if I can’t take a joke and I wanted to get along with those with whom I frequently agreed with politically.
        But over time I began to see there is, in many cases, a deep strain of hatred behind it. Like racial bigotry, there is an obsessive quality to it and a need to exaggerate to ridiculous extremes. Once I saw it on the Left, I was surprised at how many find excuses to let bigotry thrive in their presence, while they shake their fists at the Right for giving safe harbor to bigots on the Right.

        Well, if no one else sees it and if no one else is willing to discuss it, I will. The Left is hypocritical when it provides safe haven for bigots. I see statements about Christians made here and look around at Christians I know.
        Much of what is posted here about Christians is as cartoonish and as far removed from reality as Little Black Sambo was from African Americans. I look at whole armies of Christians fanning out in my community on a weekly and often on a daily basis to help those in need. I look at my mother and father, other family members and people I love. I look at neighbors, ministers and Christians who have blessed me in so many ways in my life. I go to national cemeteries at Quantico and Arlington and contemplate acres or crosses over graves stretching to the horizon, and the sacrifices those veterans made so I could live freely. None of those people fit the crude stereotypes used here to paint false image as to what Christians think and do in their day-to-day lives.
        That part is bad, but even worse is the fear of saying anything about it.

        • William October 3rd, 2014 at 10:08 am

          Your response is thoughtful and I certainly see your point.

          I grew up Catholic in an ethnic neighbor hood and I was not even aware other religions existed until I asked my mother why one of the neighborhood kids was skipping Monday afternoon catechism. Every church, hospital and school in my early days started with the word “Saint”.

          There is a huge difference in religion between persecution and the price of admission. My wife is a seventh day Adventist. She has forsaken career to be true to her faith. Imagine the income loss to a personal trainer who won’t work on Sabbath Most gyms simply won’t hire a trainer who won’t work on Saturday.

          During my years in the service, some of the best meals I ever had were prepared by in the tiny galley in the back of my patrol aircraft. I would sheepishly claim stomach issues when that juicy burger was bought up to the flight station on good Friday.

          I don’t consider any of these minor inconveniences as persecution.

          I am also acutely aware of the hospitals charities and food banks sponsored by churches. I taught a 12 grade catechism class and was profoundly moved during a field trip to an orphanage for unwanted and deformed children within a church hospital. As a man of science AND faith I cannot explain the natural gas well that has been fueling the Basilica,hospital and children’s home in Lackawanna NY for over a century.

          All that aside, I believe separation of religion and government is crucial. Further, I am very aware that more people have been murdered in the name of religion than for any other reason. Also, I cannot simply ignore the horrors bought to us by the inquisition, crusades, pastoral sex scandals, holy wars and religious fanatics flying planes into buildings and murdering innocents in the name of a deity.
          Finally, there is absolutely nothing in the limits of human imagination that could remotely grasp the insane comparison between being a Christian in the USA in 2014, and being a Jew in WWII Nazi Germany. That comparison is offensive, repugnant, and makes light of what was a blight on the history of mankind.

    • arc99 October 2nd, 2014 at 11:12 am

      Yes there is an anti religion trend in this country as noted in an article on this site just this week where the owner of a gun range has banned Muslims.

      Then of course there were the demonstrations to ban the building of mosques in Tennessee and California.

      And how about the efforts to prevent a Wiccan from delivering the invocation at a city council meeting

      Yes there is an anti-religion trend and Christians are largely responsible.

      • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 10:20 pm

        I am a Christian and have not one bit of responsibility for any of it.

        There seems to be a false notion floating around that just because some groups are targets of bigotry it means other groups are not.
        The same weak thinking also seems to imagine that just because the bigotry directed recently or in the distant past against a particular group is of a certain level of virulence, that a different group is not a target of bigots because the bigotry is expressed less virulently.

        I am surprised that you, arc99, can see bigotry directed against Muslims or Wiccans, but have not noticed bigotry directed against Christians. It is quite common here and thrives on the Left because so many are willing to let it slide.
        Once you see that, you’ll realize why so many on the Right do not speak out against bigots within their ranks.

    • Gabby Parsons October 2nd, 2014 at 3:44 pm

      I don’t think it’s an anti-religion trend, it’s more of a ” keep it out of my politics” trend.

  6. TommyNIK October 2nd, 2014 at 8:58 am

    Really? You self-important arrogant delusional Prick? Try being an atheist. Try being Gay. Try being just a little different from what’s considered “normal” in this pathetic country by fuckwads like YOU.

  7. William October 2nd, 2014 at 9:13 am

    Because being Christian in America is just like having all the being rounded up, confined to a few blocks in a ghetto, beaten tortured, gassed to death and used for bizarre medical experiments and slave labor.

    • Dwendt44 October 2nd, 2014 at 11:49 am

      Darn, only allowed one ‘thumbs up’.

    • tiredoftea October 2nd, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      Oh, don’t confuse him with the facts.

      • whatthe46 October 2nd, 2014 at 8:36 pm


    • burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 10:06 pm

      As I posted above, the state senator is an idiot who employs weak, lazy thinking.
      As far as your pie chart, I happen to be a Christian but the truth of the matter is there are thousands of different Christian sects in America. There is much variation in their beliefs. At times in our history this disagreement has led to warfare between sects with opposing views.
      Christians’ political beliefs span the political spectrum, too.
      I try not to get into my own religious beliefs, but will assure you I am in no majority as the pie chart would imply.
      With those points in mind, that pie chart, while cyute in a superficial way, is likewise a product of weak thinking.

      The state senator is wrong to use such hyperbole, and doubly wrong to make comparisons to the Holocaust.
      It is just as wrong to use the same sort of hyperbole to make an opposing argument and to be so blind as to imagine there is no bigotry directed against Christians in a forum where such bigotry is common.

  8. MarcoZandrini October 2nd, 2014 at 9:27 am

    “Perry”? Is this person the less intelligent version of Gov Goodhair

    • Larry Schmitt October 2nd, 2014 at 9:56 am

      Can someone be negatively intelligent?

      • tiredoftea October 2nd, 2014 at 5:58 pm

        I think we are seeing hints of the answer to that question.

  9. m2old4bs October 2nd, 2014 at 10:12 am

    Oh for crying out loud. What a utterly simplistic version of the Holocaust. This doofus has no clue to the scope of damage done by Nazi policies to families, not only in Germany, but also in Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium. It’s statements like this that makes me wish that these arrogant and self righteous people would actually suffer the same horrors that they so conveniently use as a talking point for their persecution meme. People like Perry deserve no respect nor empathy whatsoever as they have shown none to the survivors of and the descendants from those who perished in the holocaust.

  10. Billy Jackson October 2nd, 2014 at 10:30 am

    For anyone here in the United States to even compare political and religious disagreements and debates to human torture and mass murder is beyond sickening.

    This isn’t funny, and it should not be accepted. NFL and college football players are not like slaves, and Christians are the most beloved and protected bunch of fuckwits this country sports.

  11. granpa.usthai October 2nd, 2014 at 11:36 am

    I don’t think it’s so much the US Constitution being upheld by the current Government concerning the separation of church and state as it is the LYING HYPOCRISY of the Americans who call themselves christians that’s leading this nation away from a divine authority.

  12. sonoitabear October 2nd, 2014 at 11:43 am

    Prepare for the standard “If anyone was offended”… non-apology “apology” in 4..3..2..

    • tracey marie October 2nd, 2014 at 12:11 pm

      He will not even pretend to apologize, he is in a faux xtian backward inbred teabagger area.

  13. Dwendt44 October 2nd, 2014 at 11:55 am

    What he really means is ‘we aren’t in charge and can’t do what we want’, that’s the ‘oppression’ he’s talking about.

  14. Dwendt44 October 2nd, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    Here’s what to do the help your situation Senator, keep your religion to yourself and the government goons might not bother you at all. OR, if you can afford it, leave.

    • tiredoftea October 2nd, 2014 at 5:57 pm

      Careful, now, you are suppressing his christian beliefs!

  15. burqa October 2nd, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    Alan is right the man is an idiot. Unfortunately, the idiocy seems contagious and Alan got some and came up with that dopey “religious rape” trope. One reason the man is an idiot is one of scale – it is outrageous to compare bigotry directed at Christians to mass murder of millions of people. The same idiocy in terms of scale can be seen in Alan comparing rape to someone who wont shut up about their religious beliefs.

    This state senator is not only an idiot, but his idiocy has a particular danger we should be sensitive towards, and that is how misuse of the word “holocaust” and things associated with it tend to erode the power of that word.

    Alan seems to think that just because a group is in a majority that they are not the targets of bigotry. To make this argument, first Alan has to stop thinking and resort to the tactic of the weak-headed – stereotyping. There are thousands of Christian sects in America with great variance of religious and secular opinions between them.
    If Alan would actually use the product he puts out, and would take off the blinders, he would see anti-Christian bigotry here. He would also see plenty of others who are willing to let it slide the same way we see many on the Right ignore bigotry within their own ranks.

    Alan, I try to avoid discussing the particulars of my faith. I assure you I am not in any majority. The fact is, there is anti-Christian bigotry in America, just as there is anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish bigotry. There is hatred for some because of their heritage or their sexual orientation. There is no point where bigotry directed against a particular group magically vanishes when their numbers reach a certain percentage of the population.
    Irrational hatred is wrong, whether it is directed against a large or a small group, and just because some groups are targets of bigotry it does not mean others are not.