Bad Taste: Ebola Halloween Costume
Yes, really.
[su_center_ad]One retailer, BrandsOnSale, is selling a nifty little Ebola look for just $79.99. It’s ready for immediate shipment!…
“You are sure to be prepared if any outbreak happens at your Halloween party. This will literally be the most ‘viral’ costume of the year.”…
BrandsOnSale (safe to say it is not the world’s most well-known costume retailer) is probably just going through the motions of having terrifically bad taste just to get all of us to bop over to their site and, as long as we’re in the neighborhood, click around until we land on something that’s only in moderately bad taste, like something definitely not racially insensitive from the “International Costumes” department.
What really clinches it is this quote from BrandsOnSale chief executive Jonathan Weeks, who told the Free Press to expect “a toddler ISIS costume in the works… I can tell you it will come complete with a fake machine gun.”
J.D. Rhoades October 15th, 2014 at 5:30 pm
At least, unlike many, it’s not a “Sexy Ebola” costume.
tracey marie October 15th, 2014 at 8:55 pm
there is that.
Carla Akins October 15th, 2014 at 6:14 pm
If you’re an adult and dressing up for Halloween, your costume better be clever, funny or totally inappropriate – otherwise you’re simply pathetic. Kiddos costumes though, there needs to a line.
uzza October 15th, 2014 at 6:36 pm
The line is somewhere this side of paying $80 for a costume to go to a party.
Carla Akins October 15th, 2014 at 7:31 pm
Hell yes. FFS, that’s some serious beer money.