Man Treated For Addiction To Google Glass
[su_right_ad]There is Internet addiction, so why not Google Glass addiction?
A recent paper by the National Institutes of Health explains this rather odd case. This unnamed man suffered from internet addiction disorder and, they write, “exhibited problematic use of Google Glass.”
And if you’d like to learn more about exactly how bad his withdrawal was, feast your eyes on this:
The patient exhibited significant frustration and irritability related to not being able to use his Google Glass™. The patient exhibited a notable, nearly involuntary movement of the right hand up to his temple area and tapping it with his forefinger. He reported that if he had been prevented from wearing the device while at work, he would become extremely irritable and argumentative.[su_csky_ad]
rg9rts October 16th, 2014 at 3:16 pm
This man needs a life…withdrawl will be long, ugly and painful.