Story Of Republicans’ Scrapped Black Outreach Site Could Lose Them Tens Of Voters
[su_right_ad]Tuesday was another banner day in the ongoing, if intermittent, shitshow that is the Republican Party’s attempt to reach out to black voters. Buzzfeed‘s Darren Sands is reporting that the GOP commissioned a black outreach website in 2012, spent $14,000 developing it, then scrapped it because they didn’t have any other black outreach activities to go with it.
Along the way, they seem to have alienated activist and consultant Crystal Wright, who goes by the online moniker Conservative Black Chick. Although GOP spokesman Sean Spicer tried to lay the whole thing off on a broader digital strategy, Wright, who developed the proposed site, saved her emails:
On Aug. 1, 2012, Wright contacted the RNC about what to tell (Rep. Allen) West about the site as it became clear the site had fallen out of favor with Spicer and the RNC.
“Here’s what I suggest,” Vallante said in an email to Wright. “The web site is held up because other than the website that you built for the Co-Chairman, there are no other programs or plans to reach black voters at the RNC, and people here are concerned that the website is ‘not enough.’ And if [he] asks who he should call – the answer should be the Chairman’s office. I think being honest is the right way to go, not dance around.”
Spicer also told Sands, who is black, that “You can quote me on this: I think it’s embarrassing that you’re writing this story,” a response that Wright took exception with on Twitter Tuesday afternoon…READ MORE
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FatRat February 24th, 2015 at 8:37 pm
I think your link is defective.
My link works, click on it until they get it all sorted out.
FatRat February 24th, 2015 at 8:37 pm
I think your link is defective.
My link works, click on it until they get it all sorted out.
JeniceCoffey February 24th, 2015 at 8:46 pm
AHHHH! Bad link!
JeniceCoffey February 24th, 2015 at 8:46 pm
AHHHH! Bad link!
tracey marie February 24th, 2015 at 9:02 pm
why would a black woman believe the goptb cares about her, first she is a woman, lots of control issues being made into bills and black….don’t get me started
tracey marie February 24th, 2015 at 9:02 pm
why would a black woman believe the goptb cares about her, first she is a woman, lots of control issues being made into bills and black….don’t get me started February 25th, 2015 at 7:51 am
If the GOP wants real outreach, then they need to change. They need to talk about civil liberties, the evils of the War on Drugs, fair housing, police brutality, respect for women, cleaning up the environment, and other real issues that people care about. So far, the GOP still wants to continue with the same old agendas of austerity, massive tax cuts for the wealthy, and believing in post racial rhetoric. The GOP is still headed by reactionaries.
Warman1138 February 25th, 2015 at 8:45 am
The GOP creates an outreach website but finds that they have nothing to reach out with. LOL!
Boehner-Monkey February 25th, 2015 at 12:26 pm
~~rollin’ with the homies~~~ No? Okay.
jstsmlbrlcnsrvtvguy February 25th, 2015 at 2:07 pm
so maybe sane, progressive, people of good will, who aren’t servants to the plutocrats should take over the Republican Party instead of the Democratic…