13-Year-Old Girl Loses Rape Case Because She Is ‘Well-Developed’
[su_right_ad]A Swedish court decided that her rapist had reason to believe she was older.
The teen claimed that she ran away from her foster home, and traveled to Vasteras, a small town outside Stockholm.
The teen, who was penniless, said that she met the man at a playground. He allegedly invited her into his nearby home for a drink, and had sex with the girl. The man’s semen was reportedly found on her underpants.
Having sex with someone under the age of 15 is considered child rape in Sweden, however, Sweden’s Court of Appeal and the Vastmanland District Court tossed dropped the charges because the accused must have “reasonable grounds to believe” that the person whom they are having sex with is under age.
Both courts watched a video of the girl speaking to police at the time of the accusations, and came to the conclusion that she was “well-developed” and the man could not have known that she was under 15 years old.
The teen’s lawyer Goran Landerdahlplnas to appeal the case to Sweden’s Supreme Court.
starskeptic March 14th, 2015 at 10:54 am
I’m not sure ”well-developed” means what was implied in the headline.
Dwendt44 March 14th, 2015 at 12:44 pm
Hard to say these days. I’ve seen girls about that age that could pass for 20/21, until they open their mouths that is. A street smart teenager could even pull that off.
rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 2:19 pm
I’ve seen 20/21s that couldn’t pull that off…the giggle at the important parts!
starskeptic March 14th, 2015 at 2:40 pm
That’s true. My impression from this story was that the courts thought after seeing her being interviewed by police that she ‘seemed older’ not that she looked older; so, I’m wondering if something was lost in translation to English-speaking media.
Larry Schmitt March 14th, 2015 at 11:04 am
I thought crap like this only happened in american courts.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 10:30 am
OH yea? Have any incidences to show? Americans courts are more strict on statuatory rape than ANYWHERE in Europe. To start, our age of consent is 18— not 16, 15, or 14.
Larry Schmitt March 15th, 2015 at 10:38 am
How’s this? http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/a-seven-year-search-for-justice/2015/03/12/b1cccb30-abe9-11e4-abe8-e1ef60ca26de_story.html
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 11:07 am
The times when there is no charge in America, there are generally clear reasons why. Far more clear than “the 13 year old looked 15”
“Police documents say Danielle was charged with filing a false report because her recounting of the rapes shifted and she acknowledged lying about the identity of one of the abductors” — although I believe they should have pursued it more aggressively, but they went as far as charging her for “lying” so there mus have been some serious contradictions in he testimony that would have made charging anyone nearly impossible. She already admitted to lying about one of the perpetrators identities, which means if they believed her at face value, and innocent person would have been arrested. Her credibility is so shot, and given her extremeyl promiscuous history, it would be difficult to charge anything but “statuatory rape”— given that her word is apparently not good for much, but sex with her is still illegal… HOWEVER
“Danielle’s body had not found semen, the e-mail said, while two semen stains on Danielle’s underwear had yielded DNA without sufficiently clear profiles.” — so, the only way to get a stuatory rape charge would be on HER WORD of who had sex with her— after she already had made multiple lies & contradictions.. With a lying testimony, multiple semen stains all over her underwear from prior incidences, and no DNA evidence to pin anyone down—- just an ever changing word of hers that has already fingered names of people she later recanted, I don’t find it surprising this case had to be dropped.
Warman1138 March 14th, 2015 at 11:15 am
That is incredibly f%$&*#d up!
jybarz March 14th, 2015 at 11:39 am
Did both courts ask the guy if he asked the girl her age? He could have known if he asked.
Dwendt44 March 14th, 2015 at 12:45 pm
IIRC, prostitution is legal in Sweden. 18 and older of course.
rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 2:18 pm
Must have been a Bush appointee…only the gopee is THAT sexist …you know …like stepford
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 10:29 am
Sorry idiot— it’s liberal, socialist old Sweden here. No republicans in sight for you to blame. The liberal world that encourages underage sex, as a promotion of human sexuality! Eat your dumb words
Larry Schmitt March 15th, 2015 at 10:41 am
I think he might have been making a joke. It’s got a Swedish flag right on the front, I doubt he missed it.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 10:52 am
The times when there is no charge in America, there are generally clear reasons why. Far more clear than “the 13 year old looked 15”
“Police documents say Danielle was charged with filing a false report because her recounting of the rapes shifted and she acknowledged lying about the identity of one of the abductors” — although I believe they should have pursued it more aggressively, but they went as far as charging her for “lying” so there mus have been some serious contradictions in he testimony that would have made charging anyone nearly impossible. She already admitted to lying about one of the perpetrators identities, which means if they believed her at face value, and innocent person would have been arrested. Her credibility is so shot, and given her extremeyl promiscuous history, it would be difficult to charge anything but “statuatory rape”— given that her word is apparently not good for much, but sex with her is still illegal… HOWEVER
“Danielle’s body had not found semen, the e-mail said, while two semen stains on Danielle’s underwear had yielded DNA without sufficiently clear profiles.” — so, the only way to get a stuatory rape charge would be on HER WORD of who had sex with her— after she already had made multiple lies & contradictions.. With a lying testimony, multiple semen stains all over her underwear from prior incidences, and no DNA evidence to pin anyone down—- just an ever changing word of hers that has already fingered names of people she later recanted, I don’t find it surprising this case had to be dropped.
Candide Thirtythree March 15th, 2015 at 9:40 am
I swear your honor, she looked at least 15!
Are you kidding me?
StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 9:49 am
Shocking isn’t it.
Candide Thirtythree March 15th, 2015 at 9:54 am
IKR? Makes a pacifist want to slap somebody!
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 10:31 am
Probably was a MUslim rapist—- Sweden is desperately trying to hide their Muslim on XXX rape epidemic. Likely didn’t prosecute, to avoid getting another nick on thier record for “rapes of the year”, and keep them from rioting… you know, trampeling on thier rights to rape white women freely.
OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 10:44 am
*And anti-Muslim sources don’t count.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 11:07 am
Sure— GOOGLE “Muslim Rape Sweden” and have a hay day. The statistics don’t lie… Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe, thanks to mass muslim immigration. Literally the capital— the highest rape in all of Europe. Do your own research, it’s plentiful. Youtube helps too.
Liberal Sweden, scared to upset it’s angry Islamic masses, stopped taking ethnic statistics recently, when rapes were > 77.6% from their then, smaller, Muslim minority – https://themuslimissue.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/valdtakt_2011_stor_nyb.png?w=382&h=47 .
OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 11:18 am
These are right wing, anti-Muslim sites.
UNODC report
This is the highest number of reported rape of any nation in
the report. The high number of reported rapes in Sweden can partly be explained
by the comparatively broad definition of rape, the method of which the Swedish
police record rapes, a high confidence in the criminal justice system, and an
effort by the Government to decrease the number of unreported rapes
Sweden’s rape rate under the spotlight
By Ruth Alexander
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 11:36 am
First of all, that top 10 site is bullshit, and has no bearing on real statistics whatsoever.. it’s the opinions of an idiot, and has no foundation in reality. South Africa isn’t even there, which is the rape capital of the world.
The second site you provided shows total rapes, but does not take into account the population differences. RAPE RATE is the key figure here—
How about you look at this one:
Based on UN CRIME STATS – http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Crime-statistics/Sexual_violence_sv_against_children_and_rape.xls
Easy for you to dismiss every single website as “right-wing”— if you don’t believe it, go look at the individual stories of rape and take a look at who the perpetrator is in every article. Go to youtube and look more there. Liberal media is terrified of pinning crimes to ethnicities, while right-wing ones speak up against it. That they discuss a topic you are uncomfortable with does not make them liars or not credible… that being said, your characterization of these sites as right-wing is solely based on the fact that they are not scared to characterize rapes as Muslim perpetrated. Here’s some stories for you to read— are you STILL going to deny the truth, bashing you in the fucking head– saying “STOP AVOIDING ME”???
OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 12:05 pm
First of all, that top 10 site is bullshit, and has no bearing on real statistics whatsoever.
As are YOURS.
According to the latest NationMaster (What is THEIR source?) Sweden is is #4 and US is # 9, as BBC states much is because the definition is broader and more are reported.
Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal
definition of rape much wider in 2005, which largely explains a significant
increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.
(See above BBC report).
The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence
in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to
other countries. Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of
rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.
We have to deal with the facts as we find them. We don’t need emotional stories.
My in laws are Indian and live in India.
Please spare me the hate sites.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 4:51 pm
There’s nothing which could be shown to you that would ever change your mind. Lets face it— all the evidence in the world is “right-wing propaganda”
You quoted ONE person, who tried to make sense of the high rape statistics in Sweden. America’s statistics are high for the exact same reason, as are many countries in Europe. The statistics are high next to third world countries that have many unreported rapes, or poor policing. Sweden’s rules unlikely have an overwhelming impact next to other socialist countries that take policing & rape seriously. however, even if the number was HALF– which is extremely generous, it STILL is very high. Of course, you STILL can’t make sense of the Government statistics showing 77.6% of rapes were from foreigners (aka Muslims.. the overwhelming foreign majority, and perpetrator in virtually every rape case article I can find)— and THAT WAS 2001 STATISTICS!! When the Muslim population was much smaller. It’s likely close to 90% by now, given how Sweden has always been known to be an extremely peaceful, friendly place. You will attempt anything possible to ignore the truth in front of your face.. I could show you a 1000 articles on rapes, and you’d call it cherry picking—- I could show you government statistics, and you’ll try to distort those in your own, crooked way to pretend Islam on White rape is not an issue. What do you make of the bloodied faces and bodies of white girls? Do you have any limits to your ego, before you admit you were INCORRECT? Typical denialist.
The nationmaster cites the UN Crime Statistics, which I linked thier report directly below it, smart guy. It’s not a biased,opinion peace– it’s an objective look at reported rape statistics of every country in the world.
OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 7:53 pm
~”There’s nothing which could be
shown to you that would ever change your mind. Lets face it— all the evidence
in the world is “right-wing propaganda”
You are showing me anti-Muslim sites.
Period. The “Muslim issue”?? “BareNaked
I would not give you a pro-Muslim
site as a source.
I have provided many more reliable
sources citing stats, not emotion.
~“You will attempt anything possible
to ignore the truth in front of your face..”
That’s what I say to YOU.
It’s a great racket, and I suspect
you may be a great sucker.
“77.6% of rapes were from foreigners”
These stats come from only hate sites
that cite other hate sites.
Most people who travel Europe know
“What do you make of the bloodied
faces and bodies of white girls”
My background is a nurse who married
an Indian doctor from India (atheist raised as a Hindu.).
I have been there many times, and now
his classmates are scattered all over the world.
I’ve seen bloodied faces and bodies
of white girls, in the ER (when it was done by white boys. I have even seen it when it was done by her daddy) and of girls of other races as well, so spare me the appeal to emotion.
And UN stats show nothing about the increase in reporting nor the perpetrators.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 4:55 pm
PS, here’s your precious BBC source— the part you didn’t include:
“The thing is, the number of reported rapes has been going up in Sweden – it’s almost trebled in just the last seven years. In 2003, about 2,200 offences were reported by the police, compared to nearly 6,000 in 2010.”
In other areas, it describes how the figures compare to Columbia or Mexico… not to Norway, Germany, or the UK. Western countries use similar statistic gathering, whie third world notoriously tries to hide thier high crime rates, or lacks the policing or databasing to do so
mea_mark March 15th, 2015 at 6:48 pm
You seem to be ignoring completely the reporting procedures and how it reflects in the numbers.
OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 7:08 pm
That’s because they broadened the definition and it gets reported that much more.
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) — an annual crime report conducted through household surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics — which counted 188,380 victims of rape and sexual assault in 2010. Another data source, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, counted nearly 1.3 million incidents that same year. Data from the FBI, which gathers its statistics on rape or attempted rape reported as a crime by local law
enforcement, counted only 85,593 in 2010.
Either someone’s not counting properly, or there’s a problem with the methods of collecting and analyzing data about rapes.
jasperjava March 15th, 2015 at 11:05 am
Another insanely rabid bigot who can’t spell.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 11:11 am
Because I spelled their as “thier”? You really are that retarded, to think anyone in their right mind would confuse the two? or, did I POSSIBLY just type quickly? Idiots like you try to use a typo as a means of discrediting information you are unable to rebut. Bigot = The crime of noticing, I suppose…. you’re the fool who is in the dark about what is going on in Sweden right now, so I recommend you take your head out of your ass and educate yourself.
Obewon March 15th, 2015 at 12:12 pm
“you know” 1/3 in the U.S. Military are raped by our own soldiers. Many are man on man rapes perpetuated by Islamophobes just like you!
arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 12:34 pm
None of your conjecture is supported by any available facts.
As always, bigots, including religious bigots make up BS out of thin air to try and propagate ignorance and hatred.
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 4:30 pm
As always, idiots like you throw words like “bigot” around, to try to scare people out of discussing topics you liberals feel uncomfortable with (and try to desperately hide with your media). I’ve given plenty of evidence below as a reply to Old Lefty—
Why do you feel intent on commenting on things you know absolutely NOTHING about? Do you always do that? One would think you’d feel quite stupid being corrected all the time. Sweden is the rape capital of Europe— with numbers nearing places in Africa. In 2001, 77.6% was from foreigners (aka Muslims— the #1 foreign popuation, and culprit in virtually every news article regarding rape in Sweden)… that was back when there were several million LESS Muslims than there are now in Sweden. Just as the majority of the media in Sweden refuses to acknowledge the race of the perpetrators anymore, they stopped evaluating crime by ethnicity—– but it’s clear why, based on their final year of evaluating by ethnicity.
Sweden used to be a place where people prided in the ability to forget their wallet at a bus stop, and come back the next day to find it untouched. Where homes ahd no fences, and doors were unlocked. Those days are well-over.
There is no reason anyone should be happy about Muslims invading the last homeland for white Europeans on the planet, in numbers so high they threaten to become the majority of Europe. No other people on earth would allow this to happen, or welcome crime waves & radical Islam as “diversity”, except stupid ass white liberals, fueled by ideologues like you.
arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 4:52 pm
Let’s get a few things cleared up.
First of all I don’t want to scare you out of anything. The best way to get rid of ignorance such as yours is to shine a very bright light on it, so feel free to spread your BS to your heart’s content.
Second of all, replace every occurrence of the word ‘Muslim’ in your post with the word ‘Jew”.
Perhaps that will make it quite clear to even idiots like you that yes you are religious bigot. Not trying to scare you out of anything. simply stating what is painfully obvious.
Finally, it is laughable for you to criticize me for commenting on subjects I know nothing about when the first sentence of your post relies on the age-old right wing tactic of dressing up their fiction as fact by using the phrase
“Probably was a MUslim rapist”
You make up BS out of thin air and get your panties in a bunch when someone points out that you present not one objective piece of information to support your bigoted conclusion.
If I am an idiot, what does that say about you since at least I am not stupid enough to believe your garbage.
jasperjava March 15th, 2015 at 5:29 pm
Nothing in the article indicates that the man involved was Muslim.
Only a rabid bigot would conjure up a “fact” like that just to spread fear and hatred. This is lynch mob mentality. A girl was raped? Let’s lynch some random Ni&&er on the nearest tree! Let’s intern the Japs! They musta dunnit!
James Milb March 15th, 2015 at 5:39 pm
Sorry that you are uninformed about the Muslim rape epidemic of Sweden. I clearly cited it in numerous areas in the comment section here. I said “probably”— I assumed, because more than 77.6% of Sweden’s rapes are Muslim perpetrators, and since Islamic immigration there there rape statistics have gone up exponentially.
Your relation to Japanese internment camps and random “ni&&er” hangings have no relation to this whatsoever. Just another liberal method of silencing any critism of mass Islamic immigration to Europe.
I clearly cited the Islamic rape epidemic in other areas of this comment section— so if you are ignorant of what’s going on, whether purposefully or out of merely being uninformed, I suggest you read.
OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 8:09 pm
Sorry that you are uninformed about the Muslim rape epidemic of Sweden.
It’s mutual, I’m sure. Try some critical thinking.
But something that SHOULD make you happy about Muslims and rape?
War in The Balkans: Serbs using ‘rape camp’ says Cook Rape used as a weapon of war by Serbs
As for the knock out game?
Despite the hysterical scaremongering, street crimes committed by strangers have actually decreased by an astounding 77% from 1993 to 2010. The fact remains that you are still far more likely to be beaten, robbed, sexually assaulted or murdered by someone you know.
And for once, some people in a position to know better aren’t giving in to the panic. Police commissioners across the country are expressing skepticism about the very existence of any “knockout game” trend. Many of the major stories connected to it have turned out to be unsubstantiated or outright hoaxes. And news outlets from NPR to Slate have declared the knockout game to be an urban myth, not a trend or growing cluster of evil.
Every few years, the “trend” of bored delinquents assaulting random strangers gets some new designation. Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it was “wilding.” In the mid-aughts in the the U.K., it was “happy-slapping.” In recent years, the news
media in my hometown, Philadelphia, was filled with stories of “flash mobs.”
(Every report on knockout gives it a different name, too: “point ’em out,
knock ’em out,” “one-hitter quitter,” “knockout king.”)
There is particular concern within the department that widespread coverage could create the atmosphere where such a “game” could take hold in New York.