June 19, 2015 8:00 am -

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) – A former friend who had reconnected with the man accused of a shooting massacre inside a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, said Dylann Storm Roof had become an avowed racist. Joey Meek reconnected with Roof a few weeks ago and said that while they got drunk together on vodka, Roof…

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

18 responses to Gunman Feared ‘Blacks Were Taking Over The World’

  1. Larry Schmitt June 19th, 2015 at 8:32 am

    As Jon Stewart said last night, how can the blacks be taking over the world when the Confederate flag still flies over the SC statehouse, and the highways are named for Confederate generals? When people are deluded into believing that which is just not true, they can’t be reasoned with. It’s as simple as that. Someone who believes what he believes would have exploded eventually. And it will happen again, because there are more just like him out there. Hatred grows when it’s nurtured, and it’s being fed all over this country.

  2. William June 19th, 2015 at 9:39 am

    Where do hateful little cowards get these crazy ideas that black people are out to get them anyway?

    • whatthe46 June 19th, 2015 at 10:16 am

      where have you been?

    • Larry Schmitt June 19th, 2015 at 11:12 am

      When are they going to show proof of this great “Christian persecution” anyway?

      • William June 19th, 2015 at 11:16 am

        Right after they show proof of the war on Christmas

        • Larry Schmitt June 19th, 2015 at 11:35 am

          I was thinking of that too. The war on Christmas begins again every time someone says “Happy Holidays.”

    • robert June 20th, 2015 at 8:24 pm


  3. Pilotshark June 19th, 2015 at 9:43 am

    just another weak narrow minded, easily duped, afraid of his own shadow, Cowardly! LOSER!

    that fit in with all the rest of the losers!

  4. MaryJane Mccarthy James June 19th, 2015 at 10:34 am

    No surprise when faux news spews this slime and hatred daily to the ignorant.

    • Suzanne McFly June 19th, 2015 at 11:22 am

      Exactly, makes them feel their beliefs are accepted among a larger population than it really is.

      • William June 19th, 2015 at 12:34 pm

        In what world is an organization owned by two foreigners spreading propaganda to convince Americans to hate their country and their president ” a news organization?

  5. Suzanne McFly June 19th, 2015 at 11:21 am

    On MSNBC, Tamron Hall just claimed he had more black friends on his FB then white friends. If that is true, it is odd that he had these photos up.

  6. madjayhawk June 19th, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    This tragic event is turning into a political circus. Instead of blaming (no need to do that – he is in custody and has confessed and will be, without a doubt, tried and convicted) the shooter we are seeing people parade out the worst in American politics in an effort to blame someone other than the shooter. I have almost seen every liberal boogeyman in America blamed. The Confederate Flag, the NRA, The Gun, FOX News, etc. This is tasteless and totally thoughtless. The bodies aren’t even cold and we have people making crude political remarks by speculating on just about everything. Like in the Tucson and Aurora shooting where all liberals joyfully rushed in to make the shooters into card carrying Republicans or Tea Party members before the bodies had been buried, later finding out that the shooters were liberals. They might make another mistake.

    An obviously disturbed kid did it. Let law enforcement find out why he really did it. It is probably a pretty simple explanation other than he is crazy. Just saying the kid is a racist probably doesn’t totally explain what happened. Would every racist go into a church and gun down a bunch of people who were being nice to them?

    • OldLefty June 19th, 2015 at 8:16 pm

      And aside from that, we have a huge problem with guns and the worship of guns.

      • madjayhawk June 20th, 2015 at 1:18 am

        The kid bought the gun from a gun shop. It was not given to him by his father.

        Federal Law says that the gun shop owner shouldn’t have sold it to him without a background check. Did the shop owner do the check? If so did the check tell him that the kid was being prosecuted for a felony, making illegal to sell him a gun?

        There are two possibilities here. the owner got a clean check back or the owner ignored the check that told him not to sell the gun. In case one there is an administrative problem with the system. In case two the owner will be going (or should be going) to jail. The system worked. It was screwed up by either the government producing bad background check information or by a owner wanting to illegally sell a gun and ignoring the good information. There are remedies for both those problems. We do not know what happened at present.

        Passing one more law just to appease the anti-gun people won’t help. A total waste of time and money.

        We don’t have a problem with guns. We have a problem with some people who use them to hurt other people. This kid shouldn’t have gotten a gun. There are pretty sensible laws in place to keep someone like him from getting a gun. They failed. That needs to be looked into as do getting people like him identified and treated so they do not have insane ideas about killing innocent people.

        Guns by themselves are useless. A gun has never gotten out of a drawer by itself and killed someone has it? Rocks and knives work the same way most of the time I have been told.

        • OldLefty June 20th, 2015 at 7:27 am

          We have two different versions of how he got the gun, but that is not my point.

          When I say we have a huge gun problem, I mean it is a problem with the culture.

          It is the worship of guns, how they are markerted and the power of the gun lobby.

          It is the culture that immediately rallies behind someone who’s toddler shots and kills, or who’s gun accidentally goes off in the Home Depot, while STILL referring to “responsible gun owners” and claiming, “now is not the time to bring up the gun issue”.

          Rocks and knives Don’t work the same way, and victims have a fighting chance against Rocks and knives, while the gun is designed to bring down the victim, and cause more damage more quickly from a safe distance.

          • madjayhawk June 20th, 2015 at 12:34 pm

            I agree with you. I see absolutely no reason for someone who is not a collector etc to have weapons capable of bringing down a small army. I have no problem with people having a gun for protection, for collecting, or for hunting purposes. We have laws that try to prevent guns from getting into the hands of criminals and crazy people. There are common sense, easy ways to track gun ownership that I think everyone would support. The gun laws are like all laws. They can be circumvented. A law will not prevent a determined people from doing anything from driving 100 mph while drunk to having a gun.

            Responsible gun owners should lock up their weapons and their ammunition and I would say most do because it is a sensible thing to do. I am in favor of policies that encourage people to act responsibly without infringing on their right to own a gun. Just like I am in favor of policies that encourage people to drive a 3000 lb car down the road responsibly without infringing on their right to own and operate a car safely. But some people should not have the right to drive (like Lindsey Lohan) and some people should not have the right to own a gun (like Dylann Ruth).

            Unavoidable accidents happen with cars and cars.

            But unfortunately there are irresponsible gun owners like there are irresponsible car owners who drive drunk and drive recklessly and kill far more people than gun owners do. Most gun violence is caused by criminals committing criminal acts just as most motor vehicle deaths are caused by someone disobeying the law.

            When I referred to rocks and knives, I was trying to say that guns are inanimate objects like rocks and knives that require someone to pick it up and use it. Inanimate objects do not normally kill people without a person’s help. Dylann Roof’s gun would not have killed anyone if it had been left in his house.

            The crazy person killed those people in Charleston just like a crazy person in Austria killed 3 people by driving his car 100 mph into a crowd in the past few days. Crazy people are the problem not cars or guns. Because of that I think that focusing solely on guns is a waste of time. The President, to his credit, mentioned the lack of mental health care in one speech after one of these incidents along with guns as being the problem then went back to blaming them on ‘lack of gun laws’ That is playing politics in my book and not addressing the real problem that he is certainly aware of – mental health care. Mental Health care is a huge issue and it is hard to fault him for not wanting to wade into that swamp. No one else wants to work on it either. Just medicating people and turning them loose on society is very dangerous.

            People who want to just label this kid as a racist (which he clearly is from what I have read) then kill him twice (because it was a hate crime) are short sighted.

    • jasperjava June 20th, 2015 at 4:31 pm

      I blame you, personally, and people like you.

      The fact that you spread lies about liberals, and promote American conservatism, contributes to the climate of hate which pushes unstable weak-minded conservatives over the edge.

      Modern American conservatism is an evil ideology designed to enrich a rapacious billionaire class. They divide the working class, fooling poor and middle class whites into believing that black people and liberals are their enemies, rather than their natural allies.