June 27, 2015 11:00 am -


Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association predictably freaked out at the Supreme Court decision. He says:

“From a moral standpoint, 6/26 has become our 9/11.

On this day, June 26, 2015, five justices of the Supreme Court became moral jihadists who blasted the twin pillars of truth and righteousness into rubble. They did this by imposing sodomy-based marriage on the United States through an act of judicial tyranny.”

But it didn’t end there, because Fischer also invoked the common Pearl Harbor phrase––”June 26, 2015, is a date which will live in infamy”––and actually wrote down the sentence, “On June 26, 2015, I saw Satan dancing with delight. For this is the day the music died in the United States of America.”

From there, Fischer just rants about a “Gay Gestapo,” how governors should stand their ground and refuse to recognize same-sex marriages, and declares, “To oppose sexual deviancy is, in their twisted, contorted and devious thinking, no different than supporting slavery and segregation.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.