June 29, 2015 3:00 pm -


As I suggested yesterday, the best thing Ms. Palin can to do avoid “giddy a$$holes” is to not live her life as a reality show. Quietly go about your business, and no one will care. But that’s not what’s happening.

In her original blog post announcing the latest pregnancy, she wrote, “Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one,” before adding, “I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you.”

Writing on her blog on Sunday, Palin seemed to disregard the tone of her announcement, stating: “I made a mistake, but it’s not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume. This pregnancy was actually planned.”

“Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family.  Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself,” she wrote. “Things didn’t go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on.”

Palin also defended herself against critics who mocked her earlier career spent as an sexual abstinence “spokesperson,” quizzically using the mission statement from her former employer — the abstinence promoting Candie’s Foundation — as a defense.

“In other words, they are a teen pregnancy prevention non-profit and I worked for them when I was 18 and 19 — when I could share first hand the challenges of being a teen mother,” she wrote.

However in a 2009 interview with In Touch magazine,  Palin said, “I’m not going to have sex until I’m married, I can guarantee it.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.