June 29, 2015 10:00 pm -


Steven Anderson is either batshit crazy or a performance artist.

Anderson, of Faithful Word Baptist Church, called for stoning to death ministers who performed same-sex marriage ceremonies and repeated his call for the execution of all LGBT people.

“I hate them with a perfect hatred,” Anderson shouted. “I count them mine enemies.”

Anderson said the Bible consistently called Christians to “have the guts to stand up to our culture that is now accepts homos.”

“Where’s the call to repentance?” Anderson said. “Where’s the hope, where’s the love and the grace? It isn’t there.”

Another pastor, William Tapley – the self-described Third Eagle of the Apocalypse – said the ruling that “legalizing the crime of sodomy” would hasten the end of the world, in accordance with the prophesy.

“The Soviet Union, today’s Russia, opposes gay marriage,” Tapley said. “God is going to make it clear that he is destroying a country that legalized gay marriage by a country that opposes gay marriage. This is very significant.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.