July 1, 2015 4:38 pm -

[su_publirb]duggarsOnce again, InTouch magazine – which in recent years has shaken up the celebrity news business and broadened their reach by backing their juicy headlines with thorough journalistic chops – scoops the “news” media:

A non-Duggar family molestation victim is preparing to file a civil suit against Josh Duggar, sources tell In Touch magazine exclusively in the new issue on newsstands today.

The shocking development means that Josh and his parents Jim Bob and Michelle could be forced to give depositions and testify about Josh’s molestation scandal.

The Duggars likely will have to answer every question as they will not be able to invoke their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination because the criminal statute of limitations has expired.

The family is once again under investigation the Department of Human Services and the fate of their reality show 19 Kids and Counting is still undecided.

The impending lawsuit sets up a nightmare scenario for TLC: if the network brings back 19 Kids and Counting, the show could be on the air while the Duggars are fighting a lawsuit that exposes all of Josh’s secrets surrounding the molestations and how the family covered it up.

To those who claim that this story is somehow not newsworthy or some sort of attack on Christians, it needs to be emphasized that Jim Bob Duggar has for years used multiple media platforms to market his family as exemplars of conservative Christian values above and beyond the family “reality” series, while not only concealing the seamier side of the family’s reality but engaging in an active cover-up of alleged crimes by Josh Duggar in an apparent conspiracy with their cult-like church congregation’s elders.

Oh – there’s this, too:

Tontitown, Arkansas, cops recently took off-duty paid jobs guarding the Duggars while the department has an open investigation into the family.

E-mails obtained exclusively by In Touch through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that the interim police chief of Tontitown OKed the off-duty work.

Kate Gosselin’s longtime bodyguard Steve Neild — who’s now working for the Duggars — paid off-duty officers from the local force in Tontitown, Arkansas, $25 an hour to provide security at the Duggar family home on May 21, 2015, and Josh’s new home on May 20 and 21 when Josh returned home from Washington, D.C., after In Touch broke the story about his sexual molestation scandal and he resigned from the Family Research Council.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.