July 2, 2015 11:30 am -


End times preacher Rick Wiles, who told me just this week that we’re finished as a country and “America will burn” now says he’s embarrassed to be American because of gay marriage.

Wiles delivered a eulogy for America and lamented that “the America I knew and loved is dead, rest in peace. It will not be resurrected.” Wiles cited the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize marriage equality as the cause of our nation’s untimely death, calling the ruling “the final abomination.”

“How can I pledge allegiance to the flag of a nation that celebrates sexual perversion, pornography and baby killing?” Wiles asked. He later added that he is “embarrassed to be a legal citizen in a nation that is openly promoting sexual perversion and compelling other nations to rebel against God too.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.