July 9, 2015 5:00 pm -


Congresswoman Nina Lowey is blasting a proposed Republican amendment that would preserve the use of Confederate flags in cemeteries and national parks.

[The] GOP-backed amendment — one that would allow some restricted display of Confederate flags in National Park Service cemeteries — is scheduled to get a vote on Thursday. Democrats blasted it following debate on Wednesday night, and claimed the GOP was seeking to undo the previously adopted amendments.

Republicans say the new amendment “codifies the Obama administration directive from last week” that allows park service superintendents to restrict the display of Confederate flags at Graves and restricts merchandise.

Some Southern GOP members expressed concerns that the amendment banning on Confederate flags at grave sites would prevent those constituents who want to mark graves once a year of family members with the flag from doing so, according to one GOP source.

The controversial amendment would reinforce two Obama administration directives, one from 2010 that limits Confederate flags at grave sites to certain state-designated Confederate Memorial Days only, and one issued June 29, that allows park superintendents to determine what items may be appropriately sold at concessions stands.

But Rep. Nita Lowey, the top Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee, blasted the GOP move on Wednesday night and urged members to oppose it.

“Tonight, after nearly 20 hours of debate on the Interior and Environment Appropriations Act and approval of three amendments banning sale and display of the Confederate flag in national parks and cemeteries administered by the National Park Service, the Republican majority introduced an amendment reversing course,” she said in a statement. “The Calvert amendment would shamefully challenge the emerging national consensus that government must not countenance such a symbol of hatred and intolerance.”

Also condemning the amendment was Rep. Steve Israel, D-New York, who called the proposal the result of a “late-night, backdoor strategy.”

“Once again, House Republicans are proving that they are the party that takes every opportunity to undo progress,” he said in a statement.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.