July 9, 2015 1:00 am -


Mike Huckabee believes they don’t exist and should be relocated.

BuzzFeed posted the video on Wednesday; it has been on YouTube for years.

In the video, a man dressed in clothing traditional among Orthodox Jews tells Huckabee the “Palestinian state doesn’t have to be in Israel,” and asks the former Republican governor of Arkansas for his comments on the matter.

“Well and basically, I mean,” Huckabee begins, “there really is no such thing as — I need to be careful about saying this, because people will really get upset — there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian. There’s not.”

According to Huckabee, the concept of a Palestinian is “a political tool to try to force land away from Israel.”

“My point is,” Huckabee continues, “if that’s the issue, if it’s real estate? If you look at a map, and say here’s how much Israel has and here’s how much the Arab states hold, there’s plenty of land.”

“Let ’em take it out of Egypt,” Huckabee says about where on the globe more than 2.7 million people should relocate to. “Let ’em take it out of, out of Syria. Let ‘em take it out of Jordan. There are plenty of places.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.