July 10, 2015 8:48 pm -


South Carolina made some late-to-the-party history Friday by finally removing the Confederate flag from the grounds of the state capitol, spurred on by the massacre of nine black parishioners by a racist, terrorist mass murderer. Unfortunately, there are some holdouts who continue to advocate for the Confederate flag, including some Congressional Republicans, and maybe even a Detroit rocker who is surprisingly not Ted Nugent.

Well, Nugent is defending the Confederate flag, but nobody really cares about that. The Detroit chapter of Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network is, however, protesting a museum exhibit funded by native son Robert “Kid Rock” Ritchie over his past use of the Confederate flag as a prop in his shows. The group has threatened a boycott of the museum if, and only if, Kid Rock refuses to renounce the Confederate flag.

The Rev. Charles Williams II, president of the Michigan Chapter of the NAN and pastor at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, issued a statement Monday calling for Rock to keep the flag out of his performances.

At the demonstration, Williams called Rock “the hometown hero who is a zero with the Confederate flag” and asked museum officials to take his name off the exhibit Rock funded if he doesn’t renounce the Confederate flag.

…”How in the hell can Kid Rock represent Detroit and wave that flag just generating millions and millions in ticket sales — a flag that represents genocide to most of Detroit?” asked Sam Riddle, political director of the NAN.

Kid Rock has addressed concerns over his use of the flag in the past. At a 2011 NAACP dinner where he received an award, Rock copped to the old “Lynyrd Skynyrd” defense, and professed his love for black people…READ MORE



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.