July 10, 2015 11:00 pm -


Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins says we should no longer say “God bless America” after the Supreme Court approved gay marriage.

Perkins said on his radio show yesterday that the U.S. will no longer receive God’s blessing.

When a caller, Hector, told Perkins that he no longer likes to hear the phrase “God bless America” now that the Supreme Court has struck down bans on gay marriage, Perkins responded that “it’s hard for us to ask God to bless America when we have blatantly rejected what God has said a nation should do. So every time I hear that, ‘God bless America,’ I’m thinking, America is not in a posture for God to bless it…

“I just don’t think you can make it any worse than what our courts have made the Constitution,” Perkins said. “They’re ignoring the Constitution. They act like the average American can’t even read the plain text of the Constitution. They act as if we’re idiots. They have completely obliterated the Constitution and its meaning, treating it as if it were Silly Putty.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.