July 11, 2015 11:00 am -


Creationist and tax dodger Kent Hovind got a warm welcome from Jim Bob Duggar who rode with him back from federal prison.

Hovind’s son, Eric, posted a photo of himself on Facebook riding in the back of a van with his father, his wife, and Duggar, and another post showed the creationist minister enjoying ice cream with his wife at Dairy Queen after stopping for fried chicken.

Hovind was convicted in 2006 of structuring – that is, systematically withdrawing just under $10,000 from the bank to avoid currency reporting – and failing to file payroll returns for his employees, but he presents himself as a victim of an IRS attempt to silence his creationist views.

However, online videos and court records indicate Hovind is a tax protester who has engages in a variety of schemes cooked up by the sovereign citizen movement.

He claims in one online video that he had not filed an individual income tax return for 28 years and argues that most Americans are not obligated to pay income taxes…

He also tried a variety of maneuvers to avoid paying income taxes, including filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, attempting to renounce his U.S. citizenship, arguing that all of his possessions belonged to God, challenging Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme,” and disputing the legitimacy of U.S. laws.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.