July 12, 2015 10:00 pm -


A new documentary on the Ku Klux Klan reveals their numbers are growing.

Disturbing new images from the film show men and women in traditional Klan robes chanting around a fiery cross blazing in the night.Children as young as 12 – not yet sworn in to the notorious white supremacy group – watch from their tents as the flames rise 30 feet and envelope the wooden cross.

Director Dan Vernon spent seven months with the men and women inside the modern-day organisation.

Vernon spent time with the Traditionalist American Knights, who claim to be the fastest-growing Klan group in America. They are also the main Klan group operating near Ferguson…

Three of their members – one a prison officer – were arrested on April 2 and charged with conspiring to murder a black former inmate.

But unsettling scenes show how neither the Klan’s notorious past – nor the present conspiracy to murder charges – are enough to stop an eager 20-year-old woman from joining the group just a month after the arrests…

The British director said: ‘What we uncovered was truly shocking. Anyone who thinks that the Klan is a remnant of a bygone America will be disturbed to learn their numbers are growing.

‘It is very unsettling to imagine that while America is taking steps to heal the injustices of its past, there are groups out there whose beliefs are likely to further inflame racial divisions, to their own gain.’



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.