July 15, 2015 1:00 am -


Going after the wife of a rival candidate is not nice. Rick Santorum is using Scott Walker’s wife’s stance for gay marriage against the Wisconsin governor.

Santorum took a swipe at Scott Walker on Monday, suggesting that because Walker’s wife is not outspoken against same-sex marriage, the Wisconsin governor would make a weak Republican candidate on the issue.

“Spouses matter,” Santorum said in an interview with the Daily Caller Monday. “When your spouse is not in-sync with you — particularly on cultural issues, moral issues — [you] tend not to be as active on those issues.”

Santorum’s came in response to recent comments from Wisconsin’s first lady in an interview with The Washington Post.

Tonette Walker told the paper that her husband’s response to the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision — calling for a constitutional amendment allowing states to define marriage how they see fit — was a hard one for her family, since both of the couple’s sons are in favor of allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.

“Our sons were very disappointed,” she said. “I was torn. I have children who are very passionate [in favor of same-sex marriage], and Scott was on his side very passionate.”

…Gov. Walker told the Post that his wife and sons’ view “doesn’t mean I change my position,” but rather that he might try “finding a different way of explaining it, so they can appreciate where I am coming from.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.