July 23, 2015 12:00 am -


This must be why the president, John Kerry, and others in the administration have been out promoting the deal and explaining it: because he wants to distract from it.

Sen. Joni Ernst speculated in a radio interview yesterday that President Obama may have deliberately provoked a controversy over the lowering of American flags in honor of the service members killed in a shooting in Tennessee last week in order to distract from “the fact that terrorism remains” and from the recent nuclear deal with Iran.

Simon Conway, host of an Iowa conservative talk radio program, asked Ernst about the flag hubbub, adding, “I think there’s something else going on because I think he wants us talking about that and not the other thing, whatever the other thing might be.”

The Iowa Republican replied that she was “confused as well” and criticized President Obama for waiting five days to lower flags in honor of the slain service members.

She added that Conway might have been on to something with his conspiracy theory: “I do think that there are so many things going on right now that he doesn’t want us talking about, whether it is the fact that terrorism remains, whether it is the agreement with Iran. I think there are so many things that he would just rather he don’t discuss and focus on something else.”

Sure, the president is trying to hide that there is diplomacy with Iran.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.