Cruz Defends Huckabee While Accusing Obama Of ‘Gutter Politics’
Ted Cruz spoke to Todd Starnes of Fox News Radio to defend Mike Huckabee’s despicable comment and attack President Obama.
Huckabee said the president’s Iran policy would “take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”
The president bristled at what he called a “ridiculous” comment.
“The particular comments of Mr. Huckabee are just part of a general pattern we’ve seen that would be considered ridiculous if it weren’t so sad,” he said.
“We’ve had a sitting senator call John Kerry Pontius Pilate. We’ve had a sitting senator, who also happens to be running for president, suggest that I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism. These are leaders in the Republican Party.”
Cruz rebuffed the president’s slap and said it was “particularly sad today that President Obama chose to engage in gutter politics – attacking Mike Huckabee by name, attacking me – both of us for standing up against this catastrophic deal – rather than defending the merits.”
Cruz told me he “emphatically” stands by Huckabee and his comments.