July 31, 2015 1:32 pm -


No one can find the lion killer.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wants to talk to Walter Palmer. But it can’t find him.

Palmer, the Minnesota dentist who killed the famed Zimbabwean lion Cecil earlier this month, has fallen off the radar since Tuesday, when reports first surfaced identifying him as Cecil’s hunter. In his one of his only public statements, Palmer said Tuesday “I deeply regret” killing “a known, local favorite” and that he relied on local guides. He said he was led to believe the hunt was legal.

“I have not been contacted by authorities in Zimbabwe or in the U.S. about this situation, but will assist them in any inquiries they may have,” Palmer said at the time. …

Edward Grace, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s law enforcement deputy chief, said in a statement Thursday that the agency is investigating the circumstances surrounding Cecil’s death. “That investigation will take us wherever the facts lead,” Grace said. “At this point in time, however, multiple efforts to contact Dr. Walter Palmer have been unsuccessful. We ask that Dr. Palmer or his representative contact us immediately.”

Grace told The Washington Post on Thursday that the Justice Department has joined the probe into Palmer’s actions.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.