July 31, 2015 3:00 pm -


Governor Paul LePage is slammed in an obituary for vetoing Medicaid expansion that might have saved a woman’s life.

A Maine woman might not have lost her battle with heroin addiction if the state’s governor had not vetoed Medicaid expansion, her ex-husband said in an unusual obituary.

Coleen Sheran Singer overdosed Christmas morning at 32, although her obituary was not published until this week by the Bangor Daily News.

The obituary notice, which was written by ex-husband Brent Singer, is among a growing number of death notices that directly address addiction as both a warning and to lend support to other families struggling with the loss of a loved one to heroin.

Singer admits his former wife made a series of choices that led directly to her fatal overdose, but he also said mental illness and addiction are too often ignored — particularly by Maine’s Republican Gov. Paul LePage, reported the Portland Press Herald.

The Tea Party conservative LePage stopped legislation to expand MaineCare, subsidized health insurance for low-income residents, and Singer said his ex-wife likely would have been eligible for methadone treatment if the governor had not repeatedly thwarted health care reform.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.