August 5, 2015 1:30 pm -


Nobody wins the presidency talking about abortion. Just not gonna happen. Mike Huckabee should know this. Or maybe he’s running for president to restart his career as a preacher.

Huckabee made his claims at an “All Lives Matter” event that was staged by conservative groups that are trying to co-opt the “Black Lives Matter” movement for their own pro-life movement, notes

Huckabee that claimed that the Founding Fathers, regardless of their personal choices (i.e. owning slaves), “clearly understood that there was a God to whom we will ultimately answer, and our laws need to reflect His.”

Huckabee later added:

I’m convinced that there is a great need in this country for us to address the folks who do lift the heavy things every day, who do sweat through their socks every day, who go to church each week, who do not buy in on the nonsense that we can kill 60 million more babies over the next 42 years and that God won’t richly judge us for it.

I’m convinced this country can get back on its feet, but it can’t do until it first gets on its knees and repents, and if we do that, we can become a great nation again.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.