August 5, 2015 1:00 am -

[su_publirb]christie-bully-signSure, he just made the cut and doesn’t have to sit at the “kiddies’ table” this Thursday at 5pmEDT. Chris Christie will be one of ten contenders, along with returning reality show champion Donald Trump, in the first action-packed prime time GOP debate of the already too-long presidential campaign season.

Otherwise, things continue to go poorly for the candidate.

ASBURY PARK – The doors to Asbury Park Convention Hall burst open at a little after 5:30 p.m. and a few hundred public sector labor members and their allies volubly stampeded the indoor entrance area to Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential fundraiser.

“Hey hey, ho ho, Chris Christie has got to go,” yelled the red T-shirted crowd of Communications Workers of America (CWA) and New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) allies as they tramped through the hall.

marie-corfieldAlong with representatives of labor and teachers’ unions were several prominent New Jersey Democrats, including assemblywoman Marie Corfield (L), who famously questioned Christie during a 2010 town hall and found herself on the receiving end of one of the rotund Republican governor’s condescending rants.

It was none too fun for Republicans attending the event:

There was some protester-fundraiser heel-to-toe action as the likes of former Assemblyman Dick Kamin, a Christie backer…, hot stepped it into the big, high-ceilinged room on his way into the event amid sign-shaking and bullhorn-powered labor backers.

Because nothing can ruin your day more than hearing the truth from the rabble! ‘Nuff said.

Hat tip from The Doc to the good folks at our favorite Facebook Christie “fan” page who alerted us to the fun.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.