August 5, 2015 3:37 pm -


The crazy train that believes Jade Helm is a military takeover of parts of America is responsible for the gunshots that have occurred at these exercises. Anomaly reports:

Perry County [Mississippi] Sheriff Jimmy Dale Smith said that the shots fired on Tuesday In North Carolina occurred while soldiers were training at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center in Hattiesburg.

As reported here on Tuesday, three men in North Carolina were arrested for building bombs due to fears of the Jade Helm conspiracy theory in which right wing nut jobs believe the military exercises are actually a covert operation by President Obama, who obviously wants to implement martial law.

The three men also had ammunition for a long-range .338 caliber rifle, hand-held radios, Kevlar helmets, body armor and face masks in preparation for an armed resistance to the feared military occupation.

One of them men planned to purchase an assault rifle along with ammunition for another suspect, whose past convictions for possession of stolen goods and cocaine barred him from possessing a gun.

Conservatives are fine with our troops putting themselves in danger overseas, then publicly weep for the fallen during times of war. But far right wing nut jobs are in fear of the same troops they feign admiration for when they’re on American soil.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.