August 13, 2015 1:00 pm -

[su_center_b]BLM-sez-hi-to-jebbie-bushThis time, #BlackLivesMatter interrupted the candidate after meeting with him!

Advocates chanting “black lives matter” interrupted the end of Jeb Bush’s North Las Vegas town hall Wednesday night after he discussed solutions to racial injustice relating to fatal police shootings of black men.

While the Republican presidential candidate was leaving his event, several members of the crowd of about 150 people were seen chanting the mantra.

The former Florida governor had met with the advocates before his Wednesday night event, said his campaign in a statement to CNN.

“Gov. Bush listened to the group and they discussed barriers to upward mobility in this country, and ways to overcome them as a community by starting to get a few things right in government,” the statement said.

Bush said the recent shootings are serious problems, and that he would encourage local leaders to be more engaged in order to prevent “despair and isolation” in their communities.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.