August 15, 2015 1:30 am -


Islamophobe Jon Ritzheimer threatens on his Facebook page to disrupt an October rally planned by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

“Prepare yourself for 10-9 / 10-10!!!! The likelihood for blood will be high. True colors will be shown once again when we step up to this common enemy who attacks humanity daily and enslaves it’s [sic] followers,” Jon Ritzheimer, who is affiliated with the hard right-wing, tea party-type Three Percenters militia group, wrote on Facebook…

“If you think that money isn’t going to go into killing Americans, killing Israelis, you’re f*cking nuts” he screamed in a video rant.

“To our government, are you that naive? Are you that f*cking naive? Or is it that maybe you are traitors and you should be tried for treason,” he said before turning to Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan.

“Louis Farrakhan, you’re planning a little rally in Washington D.C. I challenge you this, mother*cker. Come here to Arizona. Come here where we live by the Constitution. Come here where we’re allowed to have guns! And we’re allowed to shoot and carry them openly to protect ourselves and liberty and our pursuit of happiness!”

Actually, Ritzheimer went into hiding after his last hate-rally so all that, ‘Come at me mother fucker’ type rhetoric appears to be just for show.

Ritzheimer continued screeching at the camera, while telling his “fellow patriots” to “prep” for “what’s next”

Reading the comments under his Facebook rant shows that he is not alone in his insane hatred of the government and of Muslims.

  • I like what you’ve said brother.
  • Working to get my money up for the trip Jon
  • I hear your message brother and I’m with ya… On a side note, that’s a badass pic.. Lol
  • I love you man!!!!!!!
  • That’s one bad ass pic!! Love it!



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.