August 19, 2015 1:00 am -


Before reporters could ask Scott Walker questions about his health care plan on a conference call, they had to be cleared by staff.

On Tuesday, Walker’s policy team held a press call with reporters to discuss the Wisconsin governor’s health care plan, as well as his intention to repeal and replace Obamacare. But when reporters tried to submit a question, they were greeted by a press aide who demanded to know what question each reporter intended to ask.

“Was on Gov. Walker health plan press call. First time as a reporter I’ve ever had my questions pre-screened before I could ask them,” Stephanie Armour, The Wall Street Journal’s health care policy reporter, tweeted after the call.

“On Scott Walker’s health care policy call, reporter questions are being screened,” her colleague Reid Epstein wrote.

This is not the first time Walker and his team have exercised extreme caution when dealing with the press.

In March, Walker made public appearances in Texas and South Carolina butclosed the events to press and refused to take questions from the media. In April, while visiting Europe, he held no public events and took no questionsfrom reporters. In May, while visiting Israel, he did the same. An aide told the Journal that Walker was going to “focus on educating himself about Israeli issues and won’t hold public events or take questions from reporters.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.