August 24, 2015 12:08 am -


The Duggars turned down a People exclusive because the magazine would not bend to their demand that Josh Duggar not be discussed.

While the Duggars were initially receptive to an interview with People, negotiations bogged down when it came to talking about Josh.

“They did not want to discuss the scandal, only the future of the family. They wanted to avoid it altogether, which is completely ridiculous,” explained a source at People. “How can they do a cover story and not address the issue at hand?”

“People tried to negotiate and eventually played hardball, saying we’re doing the cover with or without you,” the source said.

People had already gone to press with an article entitled: “In Their Own Words: The Duggars Share Thoughts on Their Uncompromising Religious Lifestyle,” before the Ashley Madison adultery scandal broke which worked out well for the gossip magazine even without the interview.

“That may actually work in People’s favor, because if you see that on a newsstand you’ll assume it’s inside the magazine,” claimed the person inside People.

Notable in the People article was the absence of Josh Duggar and his wife and children in the accompanying photo.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.