August 27, 2015 11:00 pm -


The billionaire hedge fund manager mocked Hillary Clinton for being married to “a liar and a cheat.”

The name and email address of Dan Loeb, founder of hedge fund Third Point LLC and prominent contributor to the Romney campaign, appear in the company’s database of users, and Loeb confirmed in a statement to Gawker that the account is authentic…

Once an Obama supporter, Loeb has since turned into a very generous supporter of Republican candidates and conservative Super PACs—he gifted $1,000,000 to the right-wing American Unity PAC and a quarter million to the Ending Spending Action Fund just last fall, along with tens of thousands of dollars straight to the Republican Party.

More recently he’s become a vocal detractor of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. In June, he posted a joke to his Facebook page that described Clinton as a put-upon spouse trapped in a loveless marriage with a cheating husband who thinks she’s a lesbian…

I asked Loeb about this account, and received this statement via public relations rep Steven Rubenstein:

“As my family, friends and business colleagues know, I am a prolific web surfer. Did I visit this site to see what it was all about? Absolutely – years ago, at the time I was invested in Yahoo and IAC and was endlessly curious about apps and websites. Did I ever engage or meet with anyone through this site? Never. That was never my intention — as evidenced by the fact that I never provided a credit card to set up an account.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.