August 27, 2015 9:00 pm -


Pat Robertson’s commentary on the shooting of two journalists by a disgruntled former employee calls up on racism and homophobia.

“The manager of that station down there, I sympathize with him because I know what it’s like,” the televangelist opined. “You have an employee, you don’t even know anything about his orientation one way or the other, but he’s a troublemaker and he’s a malcontent and he’s not doing his job properly and after several warnings, the manager is forced to let him go.”

“Well, what happens? Well, there’s a lawsuit that says, well, there’s sexual discrimination because he was a closet gay or he was African-American or he was Indian or he was some other minority,” Robertson continued. “And the station has a big lawsuit and all the ACLU comes jumping in and it’s just a nightmare.”

“So the tendency is to leave these guys on the staff regardless of their problems, and before long you have somebody that is shot like up in Virginia Tech.”

Except, he wasn’t left on staff. He had been dismissed.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.