September 1, 2015 7:00 pm -


Florida Pastor Bill Lytell knows just what the little lady should do for her man.

Women who stay at home with children and don’t have a “secular job” are responsible for a laundry list of items, Lytell said, including buying groceries and making sure the house is kept “impeccable,”having the baby fed and squared away and having a hot meal waiting when their husbands get home.

And on top of all that, women must meet men at the door looking like “a million bucks.”

In April, Lytell also said that he was proud of a “male leadership” sign outside the church and that this is a man’s world.

“Don’t you be ashamed you go to a church with male leadership,” Lytell said at the time. “Every church that’s right with God oughta have a sign: ‘Male Leadership.’ Because that’s the only kind of leadership, both from Adam all the way to the last part of the Bible. It’s all been male. This is a man’s world!”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.