September 3, 2015 11:00 pm -


It’s okay to break the law if you’re a Kentucky clerk who won’t approve gay marriages, according to the GOP presidential field.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said the move would set a bad precedent.

“I think it’s absurd to put someone in jail for exercising their religious liberty,” he said on CNN shortly after the decision. “I think it’s a real mistake and even those on the other side of the issue, I think it sets their movement back.”…

“Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubts about the criminalization of Christianity in this country. We must defend #ReligiousLiberty!” tweeted former Gov. Mike Huckabee…

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal also defended what he called Davis’ religious freedom.

“I don’t think anyone should have to choose between following their conscience and religious beliefs and giving up their job and facing financial sanctions. I think it’s wrong to force Christian individuals or business owners,” he told the Huffington Post…

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker discussed Davis’s decision Thursday on the Laura Ingraham Show.

“In the end, this is the balance that you gotta have to have in America, between the laws that are out there, but ultimately ensuring that the Constitution is upheld,” hesaid. “I read that the Constitution is very clear that people have freedom of religion — you have the freedom to practice religious beliefs out there, it’s a fundamental right.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.