September 8, 2015 12:00 am -


Carly Fiorina wants the other Republican candidates to attack Hillary Clinton more.

Fiorina appeared on Fox & Friends this morning, where Ed Henry asked for her thoughts about whether Clinton would be reviving her “war on women” argument as a way to hit Trump while livening up her campaign’s recent trail behind Bernie Sanders. To this, Fiorina brought up Clinton’s comparison of Iran deal opponents to terrorists, while saying that she sometimes feels like the only GOP candidate truly going after Clinton’s controversies.

“For heaven’s sakes, I actually wish Mr. Trump would throw a little more heat Hillary Clinton’s way,” Fiorina said. “I feel sometimes as though I’m the only candidate who’s consistently been critical of her.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.