September 15, 2015 1:00 pm -


Donald Trump spoke to a packed house in Dallas, saying he’ll replace Obamacare with “Donaldcare” as women “wept”.

Chants of ‘USA! USA! USA!’ rang out even as a small group of immigrants’ rights protesters demonstrated outside.

‘We have to build a wall, folks,’ he said to a crescendo of cheers. ‘We have to build a wall. And a wall works. All you have to do is go to Israel and say “How does your wall work?”‘

The crowd ate up every word, offering deafening applause. Near the back of the main section of floor seats, two elderly women – one white and another Hispanic – wept as they applauded.

‘I just never thought I’d see the day when someone would say the things he’s saying,’ Katherine Trevino said afterward. ‘We’ve waited too long for this, and after eight years of Obama – that man! – in Washington, it’s not a minute too soon.’

Her companion said in broken English that she didn’t want to be named. But she nodded and said she was ‘very proud’ to be there as Trump ‘is saying so many things with courage.’




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.