September 27, 2015 5:01 pm -


Terrible human being George Zimmerman refuses to go away.

Allie at FreakOutNation writes:

Zimmerman was acquitted in 2013 and unwilling to walk away with the get-out-of-jail-free card he was given and since then, he’s played his hand over and over again with law enforcement multiple times. He has been arrested for domestic violence and aggravated assault multiple times but as is often the case with domestic violence, the charges were dropped against him after the victims recanted their stories.

His latest incident was earlier this year during a road rage accident after he was nearly killed by another driver, Matthew Apperson, whom he has a history of violence with. This was their third run in with each other. Anderson is currently awaiting trial on second degree murder charges for the incident.

While other, slightly more human, individuals may have taken what happened in 2012 to turn their lives around and show the world they were worthy of the opportunities they had been given, George Zimmerman seems determined to prove to us that he is in fact, exactly the person we all assumed he was.

Retweeting that picture was braggadocio in its purest form. That was a man saying here is what I did for the world to see. Gone are the claims of self-defense and ‘stand your ground’ rhetoric.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.