September 29, 2015 9:00 pm -


Carly Fiorina now claims she never said the Supreme Court decision is legally binding. This is not true.

The Republican presidential candidate appeared last week on Jan Mickelson’s conservative radio program, where the Iowa broadcaster asked Fiorina to defend her statement thatObergefell v. Hodges and other decisions were “the law of the land,” reported Right Wing Watch.

Mickelson, who has called for enslaving undocumented immigrants, warned Fiorina that Iowa conservatives who “went through Civics 101″ might find her statements controversial — so she just lied.

“I think that is a quote from someone else, not from me,” Fiorina said.

…now that she’s doing well in GOP presidential polls, she flipped-flopped on her view of the constitutional separation of powers.

“I am not aware of having said that,” Fiorina again claimed after Mickelson circled back for a follow-up. “I am aware of other candidates saying that.”


Fiorina said in May that, while she didn’t agree with the Supreme Court decision in gay marriage, it is now the law of the land.

“I think the Supreme Court ruling will become the law of the land, and however much I may agree or disagree with it, I wouldn’t support an amendment to reserve it. I very much hope that we would come to a place now in this nation where we can support their decision and at the same time support people to have, to hold religious views and to protect their right to exercise those views,” Fiorina told Caffeinated Thoughts.


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.