October 17, 2015 2:00 am -


This might be one of the most ridiculous comments ever made about the “He kept us safe” meme after Trump pointed out that it was on W’s watch that 9/11 occurred.

As phrased by Trump, the argument is provocative to the point of poor taste, but in attempting to rebut it, Jeb Bush went and made exactly the explicit claim that the doctrine of “Bush kept us safe” has always avoided — that the period of time during which Bush kept us safe includes 9/11 itself.

Pre-Jeb, nobody made the argument in that way, because it’s obviously ridiculous.

Instead, kept-us-safe-ism has tended to indulge in the fantasy that Bush was inaugurated in mid-September 2001 rather than early late January. Through this metaphysical sleight of hand, the events of 9/11 themselves neither refute nor bolster the notion that the Bush years were a time of safety. With his clumsy effort to parry Trump, however, Jeb has given away the whole game.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.