October 18, 2015 10:00 pm -


Bob Woodward claims in his new book, The Last of the President’s Men, that Richard Nixon was known to hit on female staffers.

(Photo by David Hume Kennerly/ Getty Images)

(Photo by David Hume Kennerly/ Getty Images)

Woodward quotes Alexander Butterfield, Nixon’s deputy assistant, about the commander-in-chief’s sad seduction techniques.

Nell Yates was a 48-year-old secretary who had been at the White House since Truman was president. She was no one’s idea of a sex bomb — she wore her hair in a tight bun and had a stern presence.

Nixon had a crush.

One Saturday night, in the spring of 1972, Nixon summoned Yates to Camp David.

“She came back three hours later,” Butterfield told Woodward. “She was a pretty cool person to be really distraught, openly distraught, but said, ‘Ugh, the most painful, uncomfortable evening of my life.’”

Butterfield asked her if the president had made a move on her.

“An awful lot of starting to make moves and then withdrawing,” Yates said. She couldn’t wait to be dismissed.


That same month, Nixon creeped out another female staffer: secretary Beverly Kaye, 42, who had the thankless task of flying on Marine One from Camp David to the White House. Butterfield was also on the flight.

It was a very long 20 minutes.

Kaye was wearing a miniskirt. Nixon openly ogled her.

“Beverly, why don’t you sit up here with us?” he asked.

But as soon as Kaye sat down, Nixon began staring at her thighs.

“And finally, just out of the blue . . . he starts patting her on her bare legs,” Butterfield told Woodward. “In the manner of patting a young girl, like a 4-year-old girl.”


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.