October 28, 2015 9:52 pm -


Ben Carson would be happy to allow the United States to default on its bills.

REUTERS/Chris Keane

REUTERS/Chris Keane

“If I’m elected, in January of 2017, we will begin to address the budget immediately,” Carson said. “We’re not going to wait until October or November to do it, when we’re backed against the wall. And I will make it very, very clear that there will not be any budget signed that increases our debt ceiling. It will have to be done.”Carson said Congressional Republicans wait too long to negotiate deals to suppress federal spending.


“They do the same thing every year,” Carson said. “They wait until their backs are up against the wall and the gun is to their head, and you either raise the debt ceiling or we default and the world falls apart.”

“Why do we do that?” he continued. “I think the time to address that is at the beginning of the fiscal period, not at the end, because then you have other options. Now, they wait until it’s too late to do anything else, and we keep raising the debt and compromising the future of the next generation. It is craziness.”


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.