November 14, 2015 8:38 pm -


As the recipient of a tweet storm after expressing the view that it’s not President Obama’s fault that Paris was attacked; after taking phone calls from radio listeners blaming liberals, Muslims, immigrants and refugees before mentioning terrorists, I feel utter disgust at how the American right is reacting.

While world leaders expressed support and empathy for the carnage, and French media put on a “master class in how to conduct responsible, measured journalism,” right-wing pundits dumped their sewage on the pages of Facebook and Twitter and on American news networks.

As French journalists made note of the many tweets and messages of well wishes from across the globe, conservatives competed with each other to say the most offensive idiotic things they could about the attacks, even while the violence was still unfolding in Paris streets.^tfw

thecitizeNY writes:

ISIL is trying to bring on World War III and Conservatives are doing their bidding.

Islamic extremists are probably very happy to have so much help from Conservatives here in America. It was like a ‘who can be the worst person on Twitter’ last night — and it was a toss up.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.