November 24, 2015 1:32 am -


Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo, a member of the House Select Benghazi Committee, says his wife gave him a failing grade on his questions to Hillary Clinton.

During a speech at the Wichita Pachyderm Club last week, Pompeo told the gathered audience that he thought he’d done well at the Benghazi hearing — unlike the “C” and “F” his family gave him, on his line of questioning to Clinton.

“I was reminded, I had three opportunities for ten minutes each, my first one I asked her about accountability, where I know wasn’t received so much as a — I gave myself an ‘A’ for that line of questioning. My son gave me a ‘C.’”

Pompeo conceded that his second set of questions to Clinton weren’t as good.

“My second set of questions I frankly didn’t do as well. It was more difficult to control her extended answers — I, it was trickier and I let my emotion get ahold of me a little bit more, you can go back and watch it, it only takes ten minutes, I wasn’t as good.”

“I gave myself a ‘C.’ My wife gave me an ‘F,’” Pomepo said



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.