November 24, 2015 9:33 pm -


Ben Carson loves to invoke slavery and Nazis, and he’s done it again.

Speaking at “The Gift of Life Banquet” fundraiser for First Choice Pregnancy Center in Las Vegas, Carson argued that the “culture of death” was accepted in America because of “peer pressure.”

“Someone has tried to make this into an issue of women’s rights,” the GOP hopeful told the crowd. “What about the baby? You know, it’s one of the most sacred relationships in the universe, a mother and that child inside of her. How have we become so distorted that we have managed to convince women that that baby inside of her is her enemy and that she has a right.”

…The former neurosurgeon noted that he change his mind about abortion after realizing it was like “slavery.”

“I was thinking about slavery and I was thinking about the abolitionists, and I said, what if the abolitionists had said, ‘I don’t believe in slavery but anybody else can do whatever they want’?” Carson declared. “Where would we be today?”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.